The Untold Truth about ‘Free’ Website Builders

Written by Saboor Ali
July 13, 2018

When you are not paying for a product – you are a product. Creating a custom website design has always been the hustle and bustle not everyone can stand by. Some businesses took advantage of your worries and beautified your solution with a word that messes up everything, i.e. ‘Free’. So if you ever typed on Google about ‘custom website design’, you must have found yourself curious enough to click on Free Website Builders. So today, we are going to share some untold truth about these ‘Free’ platform so that you may make an informed decision accordingly.

Ownership: How much your Site will actually be yours?

Crop agent giving keys to man Free Photo

Regardless of how easier ‘drop and drag’ option seems, that pretty thing quite satisfactory when you design site all by yourself. But what’s behind the scene is entirely different once you are done with the quick game. Are you sure of the code your site carries if completely yours? Are you allowed to access the serves where your website needs to check and balance every day? These are the technical aspects that are required when you will plan to own and get the rights for your business site. From CSS files to backend code your site has to be yours either they are just filed or even the customized code.

Free But Limited? : If it’s Free, Why do they offer packages?

Young Man Doubting. Premium Vector

Are you able to use tons of free plugins that are essential for a site? Well, once you get hypnotized entirely with the free drag and drop concept. You will soon need to manage your website files that are not granted with that Free package. These ‘Free’ website builders clearly ask for payments to get access that will eventually bring you to the point where you’ll be needing experts for sure.

Beware that these paid features are mandatory for every business websites that are planning to excel more. So are you honestly getting a free website design or its just a way to get the basics of it? If you opt for custom website design services for your business, you are likely to avail over 55,633 plugins that are available to make your site incredibly amazing.

Search Engine Optimization: The Aspect Essential for Every Business is not Free

Search Engine Optimization: The Aspect Essential for Every Business is not Free
Custom website designs that are available with affordable pages are designed to support with a complete set of SEO optimization tools. We being a top-notch logo and website design company believe in facilitating clients just the way we are keeping our businesses prosperous. To rank your site in the search engines like Google and Yahoo, it is essential to get all the available features of SEO not only on site but also in Tools library.

Key business concept with flat design Free Vector

These free sites are only bound to cater you a non-SEO yet straightforward, a friendly layout. These layouts that apparently looks like a site but in the long run, do not give your privilege to excel more. For SEO it is mandatory to have access to file and code of your site to optimize and modify according to the requirements of the SEO strategy.

Here is what to do! 

So, if you are truly willing to get started with safer, successful and proven business strategy save your time and get started with incredible custom website design services.

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